Largest State | Rajasthan | 342,239 Sq km |
Smallest State | Goa | 3,702 Sq km |
Largest Union Territory | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 8,249 Sq km |
Smallest Union Territory | Lakshadweep | 32 Sq km |
Largest District | Kachchh (Gujarat) | 45,652 Sq km |
Smallest District | Mahe ( Pondicherry ) | 9 Sq km |
* The area figure exclude 78,114 sq. km. under the illegal occupation of Pakistan, 5,180 sq. km. Illegally handed over by Pakistan to China and 37,555 under the illegal occupation of China in Ladakh district.
Administrative Divisions : |
No. of States | 28 |
No. of Union Territories | 7 |
No. of Districts | 593 |
No. of Sub-districts | 5,463 |
No. of CD Blocks | 3,799 |
No. of Urban Agglomerations / Towns | 4,378 |
No. of Urban Agglomerations | 384 |
No. of Towns | 5,161 |
No. of Inhabited Villages | 593,731 |
No. of Uninhabited Villages | 44,656 |
Population : |
Persons | 1,028,737,436 |
Males | 532,223,090 |
Females | 496,514,346 |
Highest / Lowest Population : |
State with Highest Population | Uttar Pradesh | 166,197,921 |
State with Lowest Population | Sikkim | 540,851 |
UT with Highest Population | Delhi | 13,850,507 |
UT with Lowest Population | Lakshadweep | 60,650 |
District with Highest Population | Medinipur (West Bengal) | 9,610,788 |
District with Lowest Population | Yanam (Pondicherry) | 31,394 |
Note: @ The total population and rural population include estimated population of 127,108 for Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul sub-divisions of Senapati district of Manipur. India's population without the estimated population of these areas is 1,028,610,328 (532,156,772 males and 496,453,556 females)
Note : - Includes estimated population of Paomata, Mao Maram and Purul Sub-division of Senapati district of Manipur.
Institutional and Houseless Population |
| Percentage to |
| Persons | Total Population (%) |
Houseless Population | Total | 1,943,766 | 1.00 |
| Rural | 1,165,167 | 0.85 |
| Urban | 778,599 | 1.39 |
Institutional Population | Total | 7,802,866 | 4.03 |
| Rural | 4,044,152 | 2.94 |
| Urban | 3,758,714 | 6.73 |
Population Density |
| Persons / Sq. Km |
| India | 325 |
State with Highest Population Density | West Bengal | 903 |
State with Lowest Population Density | Arunachal Pradesh | 13 |
UT with Highest Population Density | Delhi | 9,340 |
UT with Lowest Population Density | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 43 |
District with Highest Population Density | North East (Delhi) | 29,468 |
District with Lowest Population Density | Lahul & Spiti (Himachal Pradesh) | 2
Rural - Urban Distribution | Population | (%) |
Rural | 742,490,639 | 72.2% |
Urban | 286,119,689 | 27.8% |
State with highest proportion of Urban Population | Goa |
| 49.76 |
State with lowest proportion of Urban Population | Himachal Pradesh |
| 9.30 |
UT with highest proportion of Urban Population | Delhi |
| 93.18 |
UT with lowest proportion of Urban Population | Dadra & Nagar Haveli |
| 22.89 |
Sex ratio (females per thousand males) |
| India | 933 |
| Rural | 946 |
| Urban | 900 |
State with Highest Female Sex Ratio | Kerala | 1,058 |
State with Lowest Female Sex Ratio | Haryana | 861 |
UT with Highest Female Sex Ratio | Pondicherry | 1,001 |
UT with Lowest Female Sex Ratio | Daman & Diu | 710 |
District with Highest Female Sex Ratio | Mahe (Pondicherry) | 1,147 |
District with Lowest Female Sex Ratio | Daman (Daman & Diu) | 591 |
| | | |
Age Groups | Persons | Males | Females |
6 years and below | 163,819,614 | 84,999,203 | 78,820,411 |
Proportion to total population (%) | 15.9 | 16.0 | 15.9 |
7 to 14 years | 199,791,198 | 104,488,119 | 95,303,079 |
Proportion to total population (%) | 19.4 | 19.6 | 19.2 |
15 to 59 years | 585,638,723 | 303,400,561 | 282,238,162 |
Proportion to total population (%) | 56.9 | 57.0 | 56.9 |
60 years and above | 76,622,321 | 37,768,327 | 38,853,994 |
Proportion to total population (%) | 7.5 | 7.1 | 7.8 |
Age Not Stated | 2,738,472 | 1,500,562 | 1,237,910 |
Proportion to total population (%) | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
Variation in population since 1901 |
Year | Total | Rural | Urban |
1901 | 238,396,327 | 212,544,454 | 25,851,873 |
1911 | 252,093,390 | 226,151,757 | 25,941,633 |
1921 | 251,321,213 | 223,235,043 | 28,086,170 |
1931 | 278,977,238 | 245,521,249 | 33,455,989 |
1941 | 318,660,580 | 274,507,283 | 44,153,297 |
1951 | 361,088,090 | 298,644,381 | 62,443,709 |
1961 | 439,234,771 | 360,298,168 | 78,936,603 |
1971 | 548,159,652 | 439,045,675 | 109,113,977 |
1981 | 683,329,097 | 523,866,550 | 159,462,547 |
1991 | 846,302,688 | 628,691,676 | 217,611,012 |
2001* | 1,028,737,436 | 742,490,639 | 286,119,689 |
Note: * The total population and rural population include estimated population of 127,108 for Mao Maram, Paomata and Purul sub-divisions of Senapati district of Manipur. India's population without the estimated population of these areas is 1,028,610,328 (532,156,772 males and 496,453,556 females)
Number of Literates & Literacy Rate |
| Persons | Males | Females |
Total | No. of literates | 560,687,797 | 336,533,716 | 224,154,081 |
| Literacy rate | 64.8% | 75.3% | 53.7% |
Rural | No. of literates | 361,870,817 | 223,551,641 | 138,319,176 |
| Literacy rate | 58.7% | 70.7% | 46.1% |
Urban | No. of literates | 198,816,980 | 112,982,075 | 85,834,905 |
| Literacy rate | 79.9% | 86.3% | 72.9% |
Persons (%) | Males (%) | Females (%) |
State with Highest Literacy Rate | Kerala (90.9) | Kerala (94.2) | Kerala (87.7) |
State with Lowest Literacy Rate | Bihar (47.0) | Bihar (59.7) | Bihar (33.1) |
UT with Highest Literacy Rate | Lakshadweep (86.7) | Lakshadweep (92.5) | Lakshadweep (80.5) |
UT with Lowest Literacy Rate | Dadra & Nagar Haveli (57.6) | Dadra & Nagar Haveli (71.2) | Dadra & Nagar Haveli (40.2) |
District with Highest Literacy Rate | Aizwal, Mizoram (96.5) | Mahe, Pondicherry (97.6) | Aizwal, Mizoram (96.26) |
District with Lowest Literacy Rate | Dantewada Chhattisgarh (30.17) | Dantewada Chhattisgarh (39.75) | Shrawasti UP (7.7) |
Number of Districts by Sex-wise Literacy Rate : |
Literacy Rate | Males | Females |
Up to 25.00 % | -- | 18 |
25.01 % to 50.00 % | 22 | 243 |
50.01% to 75.00 % | 244 | 287 |
Above 75 % | 327 | 45 |
Total : | 593 | 593 |
Work Participation Rate : |
Total Workers | Number | Rate (%) |
Persons | 402,234,724 | 39.1 |
Males | 275,014,476 | 51.7 |
Females | 127,220,248 | 25.6 |
Main Workers |
Persons | 313,004,983 | 30.4 |
Males | 240,147,813 | 45.1 |
Females | 72,857,170 | 14.7 |
Marginal Workers |
Persons | 89,229,741 | 8.7 |
Males | 34,866,663 | 6.6 |
Females | 54,363,078 | 11 |
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